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About Rootcraft Farm

Our Story

Rootcraft is a startup microfarm established in 2021 to provide good food for our community using regenerative agriculture practices and good land stewardship. Our chickens and pigs are lovingly raised on fresh pasture, free to browse and munch on whatever they like as they would in the wild in addition to their regular feed.

Our farm-fresh eggs boast an incredibly bright yellow-orange yolk, as well as flavour and texture that simply can’t compare to store-bought eggs. Your breakfasts and baking will come alive in ways that might surprise you!

Our meat is hormone- and antibiotic-free, and the flavour and nutritional value is enhanced by the natural foods and gentle treatment provided to the animals.

We are also getting set up to offer a Market Garden CSA in 2022, so be sure to sign up if you think you might be interested in getting the freshest possible produce every week for the length of the growing season.